Executive Message

Executive Message

Jun Taniguchi - CEO of Hitachi Digital LLC

Jun Taniguchi

CEO of Hitachi Digital LLC

We are currently amidst significant changes driven by the power of digital technology. The advancements in digital technologies such as generative AI, Web3.0, and the metaverse are accelerating, and the interconnectivity of everything in the digital realm is expected to enrich our lives.

Since its foundation in 1910, Hitachi has upheld the corporate philosophy of "contributing to society through the development of superior, original technology and products," supporting societal development and improving people's lives. In various fields such as railways, energy, finance, and manufacturing, Hitachi has underpinned social infrastructure and cultivated expertise in information technology (IT), operational technology (OT), and products. Currently, by combining these experiences with digital technology, Hitachi is uniquely creating numerous digital solutions and accelerating its customers' digital transformations (DX).

However, among these developments, it is also essential not to forget the importance of a "human-centered" approach. No matter how advanced technology becomes, the crucial aspect lies in how we utilize it. With this sentiment engraved in its heart, Hitachi strives to continue using digital technology to make people's lives more comfortable and prosperous, aspiring to realize a sustainable society. This philosophy is encapsulated in the message "Digital for all."
Digital for everyone. Digital for all.